Dragonfish Nest FAQ
We've put everything you need to get started with your device right here.
Does Dragonfish Nest support SDK development?
Yes, It supports.
Is it necessary to install an additional antenna for Dragonfish Nest?
Yes, antenna is included in the accessories.
Is it necessary to install an additional meteorological station for Dragonfish Nest?
Yes, meteorological station is included in the accessories.
Is it necessary to install an additional RTK Base Station for Dragonfish Nest?
Yes, RTK base station is included in the accessories.
What's the interval between single operations of Dragonfish Nest?
Autonomous battery change mode enables enables 10 minutes battery change and takeoff.
Does it support taking off and landing in different Dragonfish Nest in one sortie?
Yes, It supports.
How to install and deploy Dragonfish Nest?
Choose a flat, open and non-disturbing environment for deployment;
For details, refer to the Dragonfish Nest Quick Guide _V1.0. -
What requirements for network bandwidth does Dragonfish Nest have?
It's recommended that the upload and download rate of network bandwidth be no less than 10Mbps.
How does Dragonfish Nest access the network?
Ethernet, Optical fiber (customized), 4G, 5G (customized)
Does Dragonfish Nest support movement during operations?
currently no, but you can change the Dragonfish Nest location when the drone is not operating, and you can operate again after redeployed.
Whether the Dragonfish Nest is dustproof and waterproof?
Yes, The protection level is IP54.
Which aircrafts are compatible with Dragonfish Nest?
Dragonfish Nest is compatible with the Dragonfish Lite and Dragonfish standard.