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Autel Robotics Care Dragonfish Care

Autel Robotics Care Dragonfish Care

Autel Robotics Care · Dragonfish

Autel Robotics provides consumers with quality assurance services that meet the requirements of regional laws and regulations. During the warranty period, our company provides free quality assurance for problems caused by product quality defects. Autel Robotics Care is mainly for damage that occurs accidentally under normal use.
Exclusive Benefits

Free repair and replacement,

unlimited times

Aircraft that participates Dragonfish Care plan can enjoy unlimited free repair or replacement services within the coverage limit until the coverage limit is used up.

Coverage Limit Sharing!

One aircraft corresponds to one Autel Care account. The coverage limit of Autel Care of Dragonfish for multi aircrafts activated at the same time can be shared.

Standby Aircraft service

During the maintenance process of your aircraft, you can choose to enjoy the spare aircraft equipment provided by Autel Robotics for free with the same function as the original product.

Two-way Free Shipping

Dragonfish Care plan provides you with free shipping and delivery services that are efficient and hassle free.

* The two-way free shipping service is only available to customers in United States, Chinese mainland and European Union. Customers in other countries and regions need to pay one-way logistics and customs fees.
Schemes of Dragonfish Care
Dragonfish Care Dragonfish Care
(1st Year)
Dragonfish Care
(2 Years)
Dragonfish Care
(3 Years)
Effective Service Time

1 year

2 years

3 years

Purchase Conditions Meet one of the following conditions :

1) The new aircraft is not activated.

2) The aircraft is activated within 48 hours.

3) Pass the official functional evaluation within one month from aircraft activation date.

Meet one of the following conditions :

1) The new aircraft is not activated.

2) The aircraft is activated within 48 hours.

3) Pass the official functional evaluation within one month from aircraft activation date.

Meet one of the following conditions :

1) The new aircraft is not activated.

2) The aircraft is activated within 48 hours.

3) Pass the official functional evaluation within one month from aircraft activation date.

Coverage Limit Usage Rules

· Unlimited times of free repairs/replacements within the coverage limit.

· Coverage limit sharing of several aircrafts activated at the same time.

· Unlimited times of free repairs/replacements within the coverage limit.

· Coverage limit sharing of several aircrafts activated at the same time.

· Unused credits in the first year can be extended to 2nd year.

· Unlimited times of free repairs/replacements within the coverage limit.

· Coverage limit sharing of several aircrafts activated at the same time.

Warranty period

1 year

2 years (including battery)

3 years (including battery)

Compatible models

Dragonfish Lite, Dragonfish Standard, Dragonfish Pro

How to buy

Please contact Autel Robotics customer service at (844) MY AUTEL or (844) 692-88 35, email to support@autelrobotics.com or contact the official dealers in your region.

Service process
  • Customer completes the payment

  • Customer receives the coverage limit details by email

  • repair or return is required

  • Customer contacts customer service for repair or return service.

  • Customer Service deducts the corresponding coverage limit, and sends email confirmation to customer.