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Anti-Smuggling, Border Watch

Eyes in the sky 24/7 for highly efficient monitoring of borders

Anti-Smuggling, Border Watch

Eyes in the sky 24/7 for highly efficient monitoring of borders

The United States stands as one of the largest countries in terms of coastal and border with defense demands: over 95,000 coastal miles alone. Whether coastal or on the ground at borders, ongoing prevention and control of smuggling plays an important part of governance, national security and long-term development. However, as long-term and high-risk anti-smuggling activities continue on, the process of finding targets, collecting evidence and logging can have challenges. In order to effectively combat smuggling, a combination of UAVs and tracking antennas can be use, allowing for highly mobile, efficient law enforcement. UAVs can be paired with automated nests for 24-hour autonomous inspections on routes with high smuggling rates. An extended benefit of this solution is the ability to utilize a full command center, allowing law enforcement personnel to analyze, view, and synchronize all aspects of ongoing operations efficiently. Ultimately, applying these solutions significantly increases the efficiency of patrolling, while also offering increased safety for personnel, making it possible to capture evidence via eyes in the sky.

Scalable Security And Premise Management

Public security meets innovation, facilitating a digital and intelligent transformation in management

Scalable Security and Premise Management

Public security meets innovation, facilitating a digital and intelligent transformation in management

Send drones 24/7 to regularly inspect areas with high rates of public safety incidents and key locations where people gather. Quickly gain an understanding of the situation on the ground through the command center, solving issues of high security pressure, low patrol efficiency, and difficulty in obtaining evidence. Ensure that personnel on-site and the command center information are in sync, reducing the cost of front-to-back communication. Facilitate the rapid collection of evidence for safety incidents and promote the digital and intelligent transformation of security management.